
Authors's corner > Powerpoint slide presentation

You have submitted your final ESREF 2017 paper for publication in the special issue of Microelectronics Reliability, it is now time to start preparing your slide presentation.

Please use the proposed  template to build your presentation.

Power point presentation template

A special website is devoted to upload your final presentation slides. Auhors have received the personal link by email. We would like you to upload your paper no later than September 22nd.

We remind you that ESREF awards three oustanding oral papers. Two of them should focus on FA topics for a presentation at IPFA or ISTFA 2018 and the third one on reliability and failure mechanisms for a presentation at IRPS 2018. Please prepare your presentation with this award recognition in mind.

Thank you for contributing to the success of ESREF 2017 in BORDEAUX !

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